ATS Display

We are proud to announce that in March 2022 our company was awarded the EcoVadis silver medal, improving its last year’s result (bronze medal) and thus reaching the group of 25% of companies awarded this medal worldwide. EcoVadis is a global platform that brings together over 90,000 companies from around the world. Its creators carefully inspect the activities of companies in terms of corporate social responsibility. It evaluates 4 areas of the company’s activity: social, ethical, environmental and supply chain.

The assessment is based on the international standards of sustainable development: The 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the ISO 26000 standard, the CERES action plan and the United Nations Guidelines, known as the Ruggie Framework, on human rights.

The result achieved by ATS Display is better than the results of other 87% assessed companies from around the world, operating in the sector of stands, furniture and advertising displays production. For each of the four assessed areas, ATS Display received results above the average of companies operating in the same industry. Such success motivates to further self-improvement, which will lead to achieving even higher rankings and fighting for gold in the future.

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