ATS Display
ATS Display
ATS Display
ATS Display
ATS Display
ATS Display
ATS Display
ATS Display
ATS Display
ATS Display

The alcoholic beverages market constantly observes the growing interest in whisky in Poland and is described as one of the fastest growing in the world.
Along with the growing popularity, the number of events dedicated to whisky is increasing. Their idea is to introduce visitors to the culture and traditions related to the production and drinking of whisky through a series of tastings and lectures. Two of the most popular events devoted to this alcohol took place in Jastrzębia Góra (Festival Whiskey JG) and in Warsaw (Whiskey Live).
Both events are visited in great numbers by connoisseurs, producers and distributors of premium alcohols. For the needs of our clients participating in both events, we designed, built and delivered five festival zones for the largest players in the industry, such as: The Macallan, The Highland Park, Bushmills, Bearface and Kraken. These projects were shown off in the company of counter displays dedicated to the brand, free-standing stands and bartender carts. WFor more ideas on what we do please visit our Portfolio.

Don’t do it yourself, because we KNOW HOW to display.