ATS Display

“Sometimes it seems to me that Piotrek has been working at ATS longer than I have,” said Adam Stankiewicz, the founder of ATS Display, presenting the jubilee award to our colleague. 20 years of work for the same company means a lot of knowledge, experience, but also memories and stories that only those who have been here from the very beginning can remember. Last year, Piotrek gave an interview in OOH Magazine, telling about the beginnings of the company and the beginnings of his work.

“It was 2002. I came for a job interview. At that time, the current building on Boryszewska Street did not exist yet. I found it difficult to find a barrack with a sheet roof among similar barracks, which were numerous at the time on the outskirts of the village of Wiązowna. There was a small office and a small production hall next to each other As part of the test, I was given the task of drawing a stand for a well-known brand producing sweets. I came up with a project that was certainly not fully technologically feasible, but its visual side was very well received and that’s how I started working. The design studio was tiny at the time and had 2 The remaining departments consisted of one to several people. There was no street lighting in this part of Wiązowna yet and in winter it was impossible to find a bus stop without a flashlight.” <3