Ethical Code of ATS Display Sp. z o. o.

(version 3.0, Wiązowna, 06.12.2024)

ATS Display operates in accordance with the set of best responsible business practices. When implementing projects, the company always takes into account social and ecological aspects as well as applicable legal regulations. The company’s Code of Conduct is based on the principles of ETI (Ethical Trading Initiative – Respect for workers worldwide) and the UN Global Compact (UNGC). Responsibility for achieving this goal rests with all Employees, Associates and Representatives of ATS Display Sp. z o.o. The Code of Conduct has been implemented with all stakeholders of the company in mind (i.e. Customers, Suppliers and Business partners).


ETI Base Code (

1. Voluntary employment.
2. Freedom of association and the right to collective negotiations on employment conditions.
3. Safe and hygienic working conditions.
4. Child labour is strictly prohibited.
5. Fair wages.
6. Prohibition of imposing excessive working hours.
7. Prohibition of discrimination.
8. Regulated employment status.
9. Inhuman treatment is strictly prohibited.


The 10 principles of the Global Compact (

A. Human rights

1. Protection and defence of human rights adopted by the international community.
2. Elimination of all human rights violations.

B. Labour standards

3. Respect of the freedom of association.
4. Elimination of all forms of forced labour.
5. Child labour eradication.
6. Effective counteracting of discrimination in the area of employment.

C. The natural environment

7. Preventive approach to environmental protection.
8. Undertaking initiatives aimed at promoting attitudes of ecological responsibility.
9. Application and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies.

D. Anti-corruption processes
10. Work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.





1. Principles of the management of the company.
Compliance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct is the responsibility of everyone who works or collaborates with the company ATS Display Sp. o.o. . The responsibility of achieving of this goal belongs to Employees, Associates and Company Representatives. The core rules standing behind this business is of work ethical standards and legal regulations.

2. Confidential Complaints Reporting System.
In the event of a breach of any of the Code of Ethics principles, the complaint should be reported in accordance with the “Procedure for reporting internal violations of the law and protection of whistleblowers at ATS Display Sp. z o.o.“, by choosing one of the permitted forms: in writing, orally or electronically. Written reports can be sent to the following address: ATS Display Sp. z o.o., ul. Boryszewska 22C, 05-462 Wiązowna, with the note “in person – Coordinator for irregularities”. Electronic reports should be sent to the following address:

People who prefer oral reports can arrange a meeting with the Coordinator for irregularities by contacting the above e-mail address. In addition, employees can submit reports anonymously by dropping the form into dedicated boxes marked “WHISTLEBLOWER”, available in the social rooms. The coordinators guarantee full confidentiality and all reports will be treated with due seriousness and care, and their consideration will be based on the principles of impartiality and objectivity.

The management of ATS Display Sp. z o.o. expects commitment, discretion and professional analysis from whoever is concerned with accepting complaints applications.

3. Responsibility and obligation.
ATS Display Sp. z o.o. requires every person to take responsibility for their actions and expects them to respond to unethical behavior.



4. Respect for human rights and dignity.
The company attaches great importance to respecting human rights. Any breach of this rule carries far-reaching consequences.
5. Safe and hygienic working conditions.
ATS Display Sp. z o.o. is aware of the existing work risks therefore its Employees are made aware of those risks during Health & Safety trainings being provided on regular basis. To ensure safe and healthy working environment of Employees, consumption both of psychoactive substances and alcohol within working hours and at the business premises is strictly prohibited.
6. Prohibition of all forms of discrimination.
Any form of discrimination is unacceptable. ATS Display Sp. z o.o. supports variety and condemns discrimination based on sex, age, disability, race, nationality, political beliefs, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, parental status or social status.
7. Prohibition of child labour and forced labor.
ATS Display Sp. z o.o. does not accept any form of the employment of minors and forced labour.
8. Remuneration and holidays
The company always complies with the applicable regulations and the implemented remuneration regulations and respects statutory working hours and holidays.
9. Good practices.
ATS Display Sp. z o.o. uses the Good Practices. These are the examples of extra care taken in exercising the values the Code of Conduct consists of. Good Practices consider working conditions, health and safety at work and social development. The company encourages its Employees to raise professional qualifications through participation in various training courses. Career path at ATS Display Sp. z o.o. is clearly described and implemented within the regularly excercised Employee Assessment System (SOP). Self-evaluation allows to verify achievements and set professional development plans. The company co-finances Employees’ access to private healthcare. Fresh seasonal fruit is available on a daily basis to promote healthy eating habits. Long-term Employees are honored and rewarded during jubilee celebrations.



10. Minimization of negative effects on the environment.
In its activities, the company invariably takes into account the impact of the production plant on the natural environment. ATS Display’s production scheme is based on the current Environmental Policy. The company makes every effort to responsibly manage waste in accordance with the legal rules and local regulations, consistently using wide-scale recycling. In addition, the company uses renewable energy sources through photovoltaic installations system implemented in 2019. It provides around 13% of the electricity necessary for the functioning of the office and the production plant. As part of the development of the space around the plant, the company ATS Display Sp. z o.o. made the most of the free areas by planting shrubs and maintaining a natural tree stand thus making every effort to expand the range of green areas. The company engages in increasing the level of knowledge of Employees and Subcontractors on environmental protection.



11. Fair competition.
Information gathering competitors may only be conducted in an honest and fair way.  Every attempt in acquiring confidential information belonging to competitors is viewed negatively.
12. Confidentiality of Information.
ATS Display Sp. z o.o. attaches particular importance to the protection of confidential information belonging to the company as well as those owned by ATS Display Sp. z o.o. Cooperators (Customers, Suppliers, Business partners).
13. Relations with the environment.
According to the ATS Display Sp. z o.o. Anti-Corruption Policy, the company strictly prohibits indirect and direct proposing, transferring and receiving financial benefits. All these transactions must be reflected in accounting documents. ATS Display Sp. z o.o. regularly undergoes social audits carried out by recognized global certification bodies. They set the standard for improving business practices.
14. Social commitment.
The company supports local communities in its activities and engages in charity events and fundraisers. As a social investor of Szlachetna Paczka, both financially and actively regularly supports the implementation of the activities of the “Wiosna” Association. It supports charitable initiatives such as Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy, both directly engaging in fundraising and supporting local WOŚP events. Regularly supports local self-government units as well as cultural and educational institutions. ATS Display Sp. z o.o. is intensively involved in supporting the local job market. Thanks to a long-term commitment in 2018, the company was awarded the Employer of the Year title in the local competition Złoty Wiąz organized by the mayor of the Wiązowna community.