Multibrand GIN Display

We present a multi-brand display designed for connoisseurs of various types of gin and its presentation in specialty stores, where visitors can combine tasting spirits with gaining expert knowledge about alcohols. Copper-colored metal details harmoniously blend with light elements, while impressive lighting gives each bottle a luxurious glow. Clear country of origin markings in the form of magnetic overlays facilitate the choice of favorite flavors and provide flexibility in arranging products on the shelves.
Thanks to the use of vertical LCD screens, tasters can benefit from displayed recipes for delicious cocktails with tonic, which is an inseparable companion of gin. The versatility and sophisticated look of the display guarantee that it will attract attention and inspire both familiar and entirely new flavors of this juniper spirit.

ClientWyborowa Pernod RicardYear2023

ATS Display
ATS Display
ATS Display
ATS Display
ATS Display
ATS Display