HomeNewsBuilding our story together – work anniversaries in our team!17 March 2025Supporting the Running Passion – ATS Display at the 45th Wiązowna Half Marathon24 February 202533rd WOSP finale in Wiazowna – together we can do more!28 January 2025In the gold league of EcoVadis again!8 January 2025The Noble Parcel 2024 – ATS Display in action again!17 December 2024Smart Retail Award 20245 December 2024Superstar Award 2024 – double success again17 October 2024The ATS Display community supports flood victims24 September 2024POS STARS 202420 September 2024Golden Elms 2024 Awarded!21 June 2024May 29-31, 2024, Rotterdam: 21st Edition of Design District6 June 2024„Senior+” Day Care 20244 June 2024Business Credibility Certificate for 2023 awarded to ATS Display!29 May 202462. edition of the Salone del Mobile. Milano 202415 May 2024ATS Display awarded the Certificate of Reliability10 May 2024ATS Display Supporting Partner 44. The Wiazowna Half Marathon25 February 2024EcoVadis Gold Medal 2024!2 February 2024Noble Parcel 202318 December 2023ATS Display shines at SMART RETAIL AWARD 2023!30 November 2023Celebrating Years of Dedication and Achievement16 November 2023Double success at display Superstar Awards 2023!23 October 2023HH Global Strategic Partner 20236 October 2023POS STARS 202315 September 2023FSC surveillance audit passed with flying colours14 June 2023ATS DISPLAY receives the Certificate of Business Credibility for 2022!26 May 2023Innovation is future – ATS ASSEMBLE QR APP!19 May 2023Successful again – Silver medal Ecovadis 202320 April 2023ATS Display Sustainability Report 2023 avaiable now!24 March 202310 years of work in ATS jubilee!23 March 2023SMETA4P passed with flying colours!16 December 2022Noble Parcel 202213 December 202220 years jubilee9 December 2022ATS DISPLAY for premium alcohol festivals8 November 2022Golden Elm Awards 202231 October 202215 year jubilee? Yes!28 October 2022POS STARS 2022. The results are in!26 September 2022FSC® 2022 Forest Week22 September 2022We are celebrating yet another anniversary!14 July 2022CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS CREDIBILITY31 May 2022Silver Medal EcoVadis 20227 April 2022Social Investor of Nobel Parcel11 October 2021POS STARS 2021 AWARDS submitted!29 September 2021Laser SEI MERCURE 1520 V 50030 March 2021Laser welding machine – New quality of iron work!19 March 2021ATS Display 20th anniversary26 February 2021ECO VADIS Bronze Medal for ATS Display23 February 2021BISNODE CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS CREDIBILITY2 November 2020POS STARS 202029 September 2020Automatic Contactless Disinfection Station Atomizer27 July 2020Five axis CNC24 June 2020COVID-19 Precautions19 March 2020Rzetelna Firma23 January 2020Forbes Family Business Ranking 201916 December 2019ATS Display joins Szlachetna Paczka charity!29 November 2019Celebration of 100 AWARDS!27 September 201911th edition of POS Stars 2019 behind us!23 September 2019Retail Institute Italy Awards 2019 distributed!26 June 2019Great success in the POPAI France 2019 contest!18 June 2019ATS Display invests in renewable energy24 April 2019display Superstar finished with success!15 January 2019POS materials supplier in 20184 January 2019The 10th edition of POS STARS 2018 has been successfully completed!24 September 2018Advertising stands supplier awarded in France25 June 2018The POS display by ATS Display is again awarded at the competition in Italy!13 June 2018Employer of the Year award for ATS Display21 May 2018New advertising display for Fuze Tea20 April 2018Diagnostic cabinet Certus EVO2 awarded at the Motor Show in Poznań!17 April 20183 nominations for ATS Display in the POPAI France contest!17 April 2018ATS Display’s POS stands in animal shelter in Celestynów23 January 2018“display” magazine with recognition about ATS3 January 2018Expansion of the production plant is completed!22 December 2017Christmas action for the GOPS pupils21 December 2017ATS Display’s success on German Superstar26 October 20172 main awards in POS Stars contest!22 September 2017Expansion of ATS Display production plant31 August 20175 awards for ATS Display in POPAI FRANCE contest!16 June 2017Main award in Italian contest!26 May 2017Another “Business Gazelle”17 March 2017ATS Display among “Forbes Diamonds”22 February 2017ATS Display supports animal shelter in Celestynow16 December 2016